The new Tomb Raider (A Survivor Is Born) game is awesome!
Great graphics and you really feel like you get to know Lara Croft and why she becomes the 'Tomb Raider'. I played the game on hard and found combat too easy and the game itself didnt feel hard at all - so not sure where the difficulty came in.
I also felt that the puzzles just werent as difficult as they used to be in the older LC games (or maybe Im just not as stupid?). In any case, I remember spending hours at times in past games moving blocks and pulling things in the right order, etc just to get past a puzzle and though that may have been irritating for others - I do believe that the puzzles could of been a bit harder in LC:ASIB - especially since "tombs" are optional and not really necessary for the main story quest.
Cant wait for the next game – it can only get better from such a good base as LC: A survivor is born!