Worst game of the series by far.

User Rating: 3 | Tomb Raider (The Final Hours Edition) PC
The Tomb Raider series has always made me think until now. I've played through almost to the end and I just cannot play anymore. Its just a dumbed down shooter now. And as shooters go (which I also love) its not very good. As a loyal Tomb raider fan, I am very upset. I feel as though the devs are taking these big name franchises (call of duty, tomb raider, elder scrolls and more) that used to cater to a niche and screwing loyal fans in order to cater to the masses. instead of just creating a new series for them. I feel like I'm being pushed out of gaming because I actually like a challenge and thats really sad. With that being said I guess I can talk about the few things that this game actually did get right, first being the graphics. Wow is all I can say. It is a very beautiful game. The second is the weapon customization which is a good addition, but could be better. Third the controls are probably the best in the series. Overall, the negatives way outweigh the positives for me. If this is the direction that this franchise is going, consider me no longer a loyal fan, or a fan at all.