Finally a reboot/genre makeover done right!

User Rating: 9 | Tomb Raider (The Final Hours Edition) PS3
As i write this review, i would like to first lay out my criteria i base my reviews on as a gaming purist. Try to rate all aspects on a 1-10 scale with the exception of graphics, i will talk about the graphics but will not rate them as being a die-hard gamer of 23 years, i do not see it as priorital compared to gameplay, replayability, and style, as i do not believe whatsoever that graphics make a game great. Now that we got that out of the way, here we go.

In this installment of the classic franchise we get to play as Lara Croft in her earlier years as a budding archeologist, being tuned constantly into the hardened adventurer we are more familiar with. She is a much more deep, rounded character in this installment, making it more of an absolute pleasure this time around. I will not say much more on the synopsis as i hope you take the time to see it for yourself. Lets review it, shall we?

Gameplay: RATING- 9
The gameplay in this installment is aboslutely wonderful, classic elements from the old, with action elements of the newer age shooter genres. You feel very much in control of everything going on around and very immersed into the game itself when playing it. It keeps you on guard constanlty, always using your brain to solve sometimes complicated puzzles. The controls are fantastic, and the camera is fair. The weapon selection and upgrade system is a fantastic addition, along with the skill trees it makes a very immersive gameplay experience. The only thing that kept this from getting a 10 is the tombs. There are little more than a handful of these tombs, and they consist of 1 puzzle, most of which are too easy, and all are far too short. i wish they would have spent a little more time on this aspect personally, but the main story does make up for this in a lot of ways too. That being said, the idea of scattering tombs, and having to find them was one of my favorite aspects of the sandbox style of this game. The best way i can describe this game from my own view, is tomb raider meets the legend of zelda. Its a wonderful mix.

Style: RATING- 10
Taking tomb raider to the open world style was a very positive change to the franchise, it just creates a much more adventurous atmosphere to the tomb raider series, and sparks your curiousity constantly. there is soo much to explore at your own will, and will consistantly provoke a feeling of being stranded and helpless, always on your toes. This game is good at creating a feeling of dread and fear, much akin to classic survival horror titles, but doing so with an action/adventure style. Lara has been overhauled from the ground up, turning from provocative sex symbol, to a vulnerable, deep, emotional character that ultimately becomes a way bigger badass than the original lara we know and love. The constant abuse that lara suffers is brutal to say the least, so much so that you really feel it yourself, and really feel connected to the character. Very well done.

The sound and graphics are top notch. Some of the best you will see this generation. The voice acting is superb. Graphically i dont usually rate games, as i dont think it makes or breaks a game, but it does add to the surreal atmosphere of the game without being the main focus. if i had to rate this aspect, it would be a 10.

Replayability: RATING- 9
There is so much to do in this game, that you will most likely come back for more after the first playthrough, especially to fellow gaming purists who just wish to absorb as much of this masterpiece as possible, not just conquer it with 100% completion. The pure enjoyment of this games truly trumps the desire to make 100%. which sounds stupid to most newer generation gamers, but as a purist, im all about how much fun i have playing the game, with overall completion taking the back seat priority-wise. Either way, both aspects will surely make you come back for more.

This game is a real treat for gaming veterans like me, and neophytes alike. As a 23 year gaming veteran, this is one of my most highly recommended titles to any gamer who enjoys a deep emersive experience with a presense of strong combat and action. If this is what the future of gaming has to behold for us, the future looks bright in my opinion