Not a match to Colin McRae due to broken controls and awful physics.
What makes a rally game great? Smooth controls, good enemy AI, cute graphics, exciting tracks and of course PHYSICS. This specimen fails at almost every mentioned aspect. First - controls. The developers have made something between arcade and simulation. The car handling is odd - simple to turn, but when you try to slide [that is trying to drive a sharp curve], the car makes a 180 degree turn. What the heck? And track`s edges? Even worse. The car bumps from them as a tennis ball. So every race you have to AVOID TRACKS BORDERS. Lame, lame, lame. And the AI? It manages to be dumb and skillful at the same time. How it`s even possible? Two cars draws away beyond the horizon while the third crashes in every edge that gets in his way. Not to mention that the crashes is an epic fail - your car bumps away from the enemy`s just like with the borders. Imagine that you`re leading the race and suddenly some a-hole softly touches your car`s bumper and sends you in a free flight. Such things make me say one word and it begins with F. Not to even mention Challenge Toomi who drives even worse than my grandfather after five bottles of vodka. Let`s roll on. Physics. Either you simply drive over a bush or a road sign or join the great gig in the sky. I don`t even want to mention it.
Now to the less important stuff - graphics. This one shines a bit. I have almost nowhere to carp it - car models are good, rear glass shows scenery`s reflections [!] and stuff. OK, this one`s the good point.
130 tracks in many world countries - from England to Australia, from United States to China. Sounds epic? Well... the tracks are really similar to each other, I mean really similar [tough you CAN see the difference between countries]. Also we got here a TRACK EDITOR. Now that`s something! The editor`s pretty advanced, tough it won`t let you to build long tracks.
The less important - or not the less important - part - sound - is accomplished middling. Cars sound kinda same, quality is not the best, but personally I fell in love with the main theme. It sounds really cool.
In the end I have to say - wasted potential. Don`t focus on quantity, add more quality. If not the things I talked about in headline, this one`s could get some recognition. But it won`t.