One of the stupidest, worst platformers I've ever played.

User Rating: 4 | Tonic Trouble N64
Most people don't know what Tonic Trouble is. Basically it's some sort of Rayman rip-off. These game is pretty bad.

Gameplay, 5. The game is a platformer. In each place you have to find six of an object or you can't continue on in the game.
That's actually about it. The game is boring and repetitive. The fighting is weak. There isn't really much going on here actually. There is nothing really horrible about the gameplay to this game, it just has nothing special about it and what's unoriginal isn't really any fun.

Graphics, 5. The graphics are also medicore. There isn't really much detail to any of the levels, and none of them are even original. The characters also look pretty bad, they're all just bad looking Rayman rip-offs.

Sound, 3. The music sucks. In each area the music is pretty much rehashed over and over again with but only a slightly different tone to them.

Value, 3. This game is extremely short. I would give any casual gamer 10 hours at best before they beat this game. After you beat the game there isn't any replay value to it at all.

Difficulty, Easy. This game is fairly easy also. There's no challenge in most areas, and that's not till the very end which should expected of course.

Tilt, 5. I didn't care for this game. It's unoriginal, stupid, and pointless. I would advise you just to avoid playing it and go to some of the Nintendo 64's real platformers, Super Mario 64 for example.