My childhood sweet and innocent pleasure
I am surprised by how unpopular this game is, despite the fact that in my country it had a fairly good reputation. I got this game with a gaming magazine for a cheap price and i absolutley loved it.
I remember feeling chills when a "boss fight" emerged because i was such a frighted little gamer girl who just wanted to have a little fun. Tonic Trouble is challenging (or it was for the time) but it's also very colorful and kid-friendly..
What stuck in my mind is the way my character (Tonic) had his head floating above his body without having ANY NECK..i was very fascinated about the floating thing, i used to walk around on platforms just to see if his head will eventualy float in the wrong direction so that Tonic would become headless..
I heard about the comparision with Rayman.AND MAY I SAY WTF ?
Tonic is SO much better and original than rayman, the only thing that they have in common is the floating head
by the way what is this neck-less trend in the late 90's videogames