$140 for what

User Rating: 4.5 | Tony Hawk Ride WII

Okay sure enough there is another tony hawk game but this time there's a "what" a wireless skateboard sweet. So I thought I saw very mixed reviews for this game some good some horrible and some okay so I thought I would try it myself seeing I may like it. Actually I didn't mind it, it just wasn't what I expected.


Tony hawk ride works with a little wireless expensive skateboard with lots and placed to skate around most of which you have to skate downhill yes downhill. This actually works better then the levels where you can skate around as you'll crash a lot. Oh and there is and option where you can skate with your created miis of you don't want to be a pro skater.


Graphically the game looks great for a wii game its colorful and bright and great to look at.


The controls for the skateboard are so unresponsive you'll be annoyed instantly ollies are as easy as pulling the skateboard up and flip trick are just turns after the ollie. The only thing that feels solid are the manuals.

Closing comments:

Unless you are are a huge fan of any type of skate boarding games this game is best avoided for any console.