Hi...I am an old school skater...not a pro...not a poser...I was looking a lot of times for reviews around the web and all the opinions are bad...I have to say I bought this RIDE used on ebay because I was really in dubt but I love games with dedicated peripherics so I was really curious to try... First impression was really not the best but I told to my self (after I saw the Tony Hawk's video on youtube explaining why everybody give negative feedback on this) "Tony I trust you!"...so I did again calibration (you need some patience) and all the 2 tutorials including the advanced...now I am playing midle level and I can say tha controller is good and the game funny...it's too easy to say "the controller gives random moves"...yes if you play easy mode (means you have only to make trick...no need to drive in some directions)...the game in middle level is really enojoyable and after some try (because like in everygame when there is a mission you don't do it perfect at first attemp) I can say I am pretty good skater...I can realize without big problems all the quests and the difficoulty is well calibrated...I have still to try the professional mode (you have total control of the skate) and maybe to fix a little the sensitivity but I am already having good fun...I also bought TONY HAWK SHRED after one week...same story maybe better...I want to play this one first....only what I don't like is that local multiplayer is one by one...I bought also SHRED with other table thinking to play at least in split-screen...this no good in my opinion...should be really funny to play simultaneous...if you like skateboard and you want a funny game TAKE IT!!! If you prefer more serious simulation go for SKATE3...different titles...anyway big fun!!! BYEE
I am a die hard Tony Hawk video game fan. But sadly after playing this game i don't want to ever play another tony hawk game.I never played a game that is terrible at all aspects of the game. I believe that robomodo sho... Read Full Review
im an avid gamer. i was an avid skateboarder for several years in high school. therefore i'd assume to say im knowledgeable in both fields. i lost interest in the Tony Hawk series after part 4. Tony Hawk Ride sounds ... Read Full Review