and you can have a BMX bike the controls are good you use the right thumb stick to do like tailwhips and barspins its cool and you can do flairs, super man seat grab, and frontflips its cool.
you know how they say you can go all thruw california you can but its not like its one big level its like there is diferent levels you have to go thruw like tunnels its weird or you can just take a bus or a truck to the diferent towns.
and they have classic mode its pretty cool you have to collect SKATE and COMBO and other stuff its pretty cool.
overall this game is cool but it is pretty short i beat it in like 7 hours but there is different skill levels there is EASY, NORMAL, and SIck i have already beat it on easy and normal im working on sick but i recommend this game its fun on 2 player or online even if you don't like skateboarding or BMX i think you wil like this game so go out there and buy you will like it.