kind of a let down

User Rating: 7.8 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland PS2
I thought THAW is a pretty good game overall. Not the best Tony Hawk game, but almost. I liked the new stuff you can do in it, like stalling on anything and the no load times was pretty good but kind of a waste of time because all it is is a long line with a few little things to trick on, and as you go through it the frame rate gets really screwed up and almost freezes for half a second. But the new tricks and places to skate is really fun. It has a pretty good story to it though, that makes you want to keep playing until you beat the game, which only takes about six or seven hours on sick mode to finish. That what was a letdown, the time it took to beat the whole game was very short and once you beat it, there's really no reason to beat the story again, unless you really want to. And once you beat the game all the levels are unlocked so that's cool. So if you like TH games then buy/rent this game. I bought it because I'm a huge fan of the TH games and i have all of them from THPS 1. I am really excited for THP8 especially since it is coming out for next gen, so the graphics will be really tuned up and the game play will be awesome.