Its Tony Hawk...what can we expect from it other than great graphics, great controls, great multiplayer and over 100hrs?

User Rating: 10 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland PS2
This game rocks man...its just another one of those great tony hawk games where everything is simply fun.You can spend hours and hours playing this game and you wont get tired of it.Personally i liked the story mode and everithing is great about the game.The only bad thing is that the entire story mode is a tutorial but, well, no game is perfect...exept this one!!! Anyways, this is really a solid game which has its moments and is really, really fun to play.Alot of people say the tony hawk series is losing itl luster but i think the opposite..its getting mome and nmore luster after each succesfull entry to the series.I cant wait to se the ps3 edition of the series...with a next-gen hardwaqr, the tony hawk series will be better then ever.