Well I enjoyed it. Just not as much as other tony hwak games.

User Rating: 7.8 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland X360
I will sart by saying that yes I have bought all the other tony hawk games and yes this is not one of the better versions. Comparing this to the other tony hawk games makes this one look pritty bad although not quite as bad as Tony Hawks Underground 2, up until THUG2 the tony hawks games had always been a pleasure to play. I am not saying that THAW is not fun it's just that I have seen skateboarding done better.

I will now look at THAW as it's own game forget obout the other tony hawk games. To start off with the first thing that I noticed was the graphics which by 360 standards had to be amoungst the worst, to be honest it looks like an xbox game ( and not a brilliant looking one at that) however it's not really that hard to see past that. The graphics are watchable it's just they won't push your 360 any. The next thing that I noticed was the control scheme and how it had changed quite dramaticllay it was a little hard to get used to and I'm not to sure I ever really got the hang of it completely. The gameplay is what can carry the game through it's fun and while a little repetative it never really gets boring as the game seems to progress nicel and you do always feel like you are progressing in the game even if your not. The game however will pose no difficulty to the tony hawk veteran, this means that while the game may last the newbie a while longer than the veteran. One thing that I must say is that the story is really quite crap and still does not compare to the rather good THUG 1 storyline. The freeroaming world seemes to work kind of well however you will find yoursel skating tunnels and stuff while the level obviously loads undernieth the level. As always Tony Hawks is equiped with a good soundtrack that works well in the game however the game does have some dodgey sond effects and voice overs. The game is good fun but short however it does have an online mode which is fairly good and works well.

Gameplay: It's tony hawks what more do you need to know.

Graphics: Terrible by 360 standards, o.k by xbox.

Sound: Good soundtrack but watch out for those voiceovers.

Value: Get it when it's cheap it is short but it should fullfil your skating needs before project 8 comes out.