Solid Game... just doesn't cut it in the Next-Gen LineUP

User Rating: 4 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland X360
Let's face it.. Tony Hawk's: American Wasteland does not fit in the 360's lineup. It looks ike a "Last-Gen" game. The graphics are absolutely horrible, and glitchy (especially in HD!). Sometimes, player's legs will be in the concrete like QuickSand yet running around like Sonic the Hedgehog.

The game does have a lot of features to offer however; you can play the original classic mode which will be extremely time consuming. The story mode will last you a while as it has lots of mini-quests along the way.

The online was a definite disappointment. I can NEVER find a game while playing this. I've only been able to get matched up once - and when I joined the game it was well.. Laggy.

Tony Hawk games could have a great future in the NextGens.. However; they need to spend time on thier games and stop throwing this crap at us.