I don't know about you, but this game should be called " Tony Hawk's Emo Wasteland".
Okay, so now you pick from 5 or 6 angst emo kid who goes on a bus from Kentucky to Hollywood. The main reason that he's moving out of Kentucky is because "To get away from my parent's!" Yup, that's your typical emo kid for ya!
So then, after the drama queen crap is over, the dude finally gets to Hollywood. As soon as he makes one step onto Hollywood, he gets mugged...
Why the hell did that happen?! You wouldn't get mugged as soon as you get into Holywood! It would be better if he got mugged later in the game. That would be better.
So then after you get mugged, this gothic chick comes along and helps you out, because any guy who gets mugged would want a hot chick to help you get your stuff back.
The thing I really liked about this game was that you could buy new clothes, new hairstyles and new decks from the money you earn by doing errands for random people. The thing I didn't like was there wasn't much of a selection for skateboarders who aren't emo!
What do we got here... Hmm, let's see:
Devil lock
Mcsweeb left(emo cut)
Mcsweeb right(emo cut)
Ghost Hair (why did they put that there? :S)
Medium(looked more like Dragonball Z hair)
(well, at least they have hairstyles for the minority who still like Punk)
(aka the emo version of mohawk)
Short hair blonde, dark
Long hair blonde, dark
I can't remember the other ones, but I guess that's most of them.
Okay, enough bickering about the crappy emo cuts, and now onto the shoes.
They got some really good shoes in the game. I'm impressed about the selection. But the thing I didn't like about it was the store clerks... One word... Terrible.. Tsk, tsk, tsk.. How did they get hired?
This is what's she says:
That looks TIGHT!
illin' yo!
Talk about bad lines man...
And finally, the sound track... WHAT'S WITH ALL THE EMO?! :S
They should have some variety in this game man. This game is more suited for snobby emo's who have no self esteem whatsoever, that dress up like panzies so that they think that they look cool... Since
"It's the latest trend people!"
"Everyone's doing it. Why don't you do it too? You'll be cool if you do!
Who gives a crap about the latest trends?! You should be able to make the desisions yourself, not let other people make them for you!
Most of the soundtrack is Emo... Why? There are other people who'd like to play the game besides the emo's!
But I have to admit, there are some songs that I like, but only a few... maybe 4 or 5 out of the 50 songs that are there.
I'm so disapointed man.. I thought this game was gonna be awesome. It would be if it wasn't so emo, and if the storyline wasn't so crappy.
I think if they make another Tony Hawk game, it's gonna go downhill from there.