This game is a little easy and the graphics aren't the greatest but the playing the game Classic Mode Story is still fun

User Rating: 9.2 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland PS2
This game is a little easy and the graphics aren't the greatest but the playing the game Classic Mode and Story Mode is still fun.

If your new to the Tony Hawk Franchise this game will be a little more fun then if you were a hardcore Tony Hawk fan that vought every single Tony Hawk Game that came out and beat it in no time at all.

The graphics are a little messy so to speak.

There are some Glicthes in the game that are fun to use.
Playing the game is still fun without glicthes.
It's always fun to just run around and see how many pts. you can rack up on a bike or your skateboard in one combo. Speaking of bikes, the bikes can only be used to get some cash($20). they have no part in the story. There is one mission where you do get to use the bike but other wise it's all skateboard.
Even tho this isn't very hard to beat it's still a must buy for any fan of the Tony Hawk Franchise.

And of course the Online play is just plain fun.