Do you have interest in Tony Hawk Pro Skater games? This one is for you!
User Rating: 7.9 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 GC
Gameplay – THPS4 hosts a multiplayer and single player mode. As always, there is a career mode in which you can customize a created skater. The career challenges you to 180 goals. Some goals are hard and some goals are way too easy. Multiplayer is a 2-player split-screen (horizontal or vertical). You and a friend can duke it in about 10 different game modes. Some of them are graffiti, king of the hill, and horse. The controls in THPS4 may seem weird at first, but soon you will get very comfortable with them. Graphics – The graphics in THPS4 are slightly poor. Some characters are minor detailed and the textures and buildings are also poor. IMO, the graphics could’ve been better. Sound – The soundtrack comes from all licensed bands. Some you have heard of and others you have not. Most songs are rock, while the rest are mostly rap. Sound FX are easy to hear and a shown well. Value – If you like previous THPS games, you should have no problem liking this one. The career mode will last you a while and is a lot of fun.