Tony Hawk For GBA, pretty darn good!
Tony Hawk Pro Skater's 4 is a great GBA game. Basically you skate around in different skate envronments (ex. a ZOO ) and complete task that are asked of you. There are a decent variety of tasks but mostly you'll be repeating the same task over and over again just in a different environment such as collect skate or score so many points. Still it is very fun and the 2 minute time limit has been removed and instead the clock ticks only after a task has been asked to be completed giving 2 min to complete the task, so you are alowed to skate around freelly and explore the levels. 8/10
Graphics: Amazing graohics vor gba even though the view point is restricted to an isometric view. Also the skaters are in full polygonal 3d which helps give the isometric 2d side scrolling level the illusion of 3d.
The people walking around who aren't skaters though are really ugly.
Sound: I'm not a fan of hard rock so i think the sound track is horrible but the rest of the sound effects get the job done, so you might just want to turn off the music and leave on the effects. 7/10
Value: It will take a while to beat the game with one character and there are tons of characters in the game, also there is multiplayer that can even be played with taking turns with one GBA! Still you might get bored of it very quickly but on the other hand you might not and it could last forever.
Overall it deserves a 8.5