Great game with lots of fun, the bad thing is that the later stages suck visually and in difficulty.
Well designed levels, it looks good, and the human models are good too. The later levels look ugly, though, like the carnival or the shipyard.
Great music, although I had to turn off some of the tracks, the ones I left on are great. (I hate TNT from AC/DC)
Same old controls from the original TH I knew, but now you can manual (well I’m not totally sure that you couldn’t in TH1, but pretty sure), and that’s good. Bad thing is it gets too hard, many of the goals are just impossible. Luckily, Neversoft realised that and you only need to complete like 90 or 100 of 190 challenges to unlock the pro goals (which when beaten unlock videos).
Replay Value
Once you got the 90 or 100 goals there’s not much more to do, the goals left are impossible, and the pro goals in some cases impossible, in others nearly impossible, and once you get to land the “nearly”s there’s no more left to do, and sadly the fun is over. The only thing to do is watch the videos you unlocked, go to sleep, and the next day go buy another TH title.
Very fun, but not enough replay value. I still like this game very much and I’ll continue renting/buying Tony Hawk games, cause I love this light grab and play games, and even more if they have good punk music.