Neversoft's first run with the Tony Hawk series...
There really is no story in the game other than you racking up points and becoming the best skater out there, but that's only an assumption because of the lack of any story.
The graphics are decent for the PS1, the environments are a little bit blocky, but that's nothing to really be concerned about. The characters may have flat faces, bbut still have fluid animations and the boards are rendered decently.
The Tony Hawk series always had a solid soundtrack, and this game also follows that standard. There are songs from Primus to Dead Kennedys and a few more songs thrown in for your enjoyment. The board sounds, ground hits, and collision screams are done nicely, but are still a little bit too loud.
The gameplay for this title is probably the best thing. As in all of the future games in the series, it had the commands mapped perfectly to each of the buttons and was so fun to play, you just couldn't put it down without playing for an hour or two.
Overall, for people who enjoyed the future games such as THPS 2 or 3, this game is worth a go, but for people who've played THUG 1 or 2 and THAW, unless your a huge fan of the series, you might just wanna pass it up.