Awsome game for N64 it was very fun when i played it bc the things you can do.
there is a few modes you can go in.
The season mode you play in a level and you got 2 minutes to do the things it asked. usaully you have to knock down some garbage cans and try to get a high score and speel the word skate. There are about 8 levels there fun.You can get money$ to buy skate boards lots of skate boards.
You can creat your own person whitch is kol! You can play the person in season mode and multiplayer and free skate. you can buy stuff to upgrade your person in season mode.
You can sreat your skate park whitch is FUN! You can put as much stuff as you want in your area you have in the skate park. You can play 2 player in your park and one player.
Multiplayer you can do some cool things like tag,hourse,free skate,graffity and more!
any one will like this game who likes skate boarding bc you can do so many cool tricks, but for some reason there is no blood only in the Playstation 1game but owell.