Fun Game Way Back Then.

User Rating: 7.5 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater GBC
This is Tony Hawk's first skate boarding game ever to come out for the game boy color and I have to say it was a hit. This game brings everything your could have been looking for back then in a tony hawk game. The grinding the ramps you couldn't have choosen a better game for me which was ten bucks back then. This game is a really addicting game I have to say. Just the game play for some reason brings you back and back for more. It's really weird because I haven't got that feeling with any of the other tony hawks except for the ones with the nintendo 64. Anyways, I give much credit to the makers of this game because this is a game that I will talk about as one of the best skate boarders for the game boy color for years to come, and it deserves a well rating, I am glad some one finally made a great skateboarding game for the game boy color. 7.5/10