This is Tony Hawk's first skate boarding game ever to come out for the game boy color and I have to say it was a hit. This game brings everything your could have been looking for back then in a tony hawk game. The grinding the ramps you couldn't have choosen a better game for me which was ten bucks back then. This game is a really addicting game I have to say. Just the game play for some reason brings you back and back for more. It's really weird because I haven't got that feeling with any of the other tony hawks except for the ones with the nintendo 64. Anyways, I give much credit to the makers of this game because this is a game that I will talk about as one of the best skate boarders for the game boy color for years to come, and it deserves a well rating, I am glad some one finally made a great skateboarding game for the game boy color. 7.5/10
Like virtually all Game Boy Color ports of home console titles, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on Nintendo's handheld console bears hardly any resemblence to the N64 and PSX versions, aside from... well... they're all skateboard... Read Full Review
Like I said before, this game should have stayed on the console. I hated this game for many reasons, one was the fact you could not do certain tricks like in the console version. Such as flip tricks, etc. Another reas... Read Full Review