Did they even put this game through a test run? This is very disappointing.....

User Rating: 4.2 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 XBOX
Now, I can understand the fact that this game is only for the Xbox, instead of the 360, but I mean come on!! Now, I will admit, this game has some rather new qualities such as the "Slow Mo" enhancement and....and....Well, that’s about it really. The graphics were nothing as promised. If you have ever played Tony Hawk: Underground, Underground 2, or even Wasteland, that these graphics are the same, if not WORSE than these previous titles. The game play is very glitchy, and still has many bugs to work out. Overall, the game play was exactly like the previous Tony Hawk games, only now, they gave you some Slow Mo to cover up the fact that everything is the same. Did I mention all the levels are basically knock off's of many previous Tony Hawk games? No? Well, they are, talk about repetitive and disappointing.

Now, everyone knows the whole "Customize A Skater" routine, right? Well, if you enjoyed doing that, you will LOVE to customize your skater on this one .........Yeah right! Overall, they gave you a whole 5 hair styles, a few shirts and pants, and only 3 types of faces. Also, you do not get to completely make a skater from scratch, you choose between 3 of them, and "customize" them....Yeah...."Customize"

Aside from the same old graphic and game play, the story line is....wait....Story line? Oh, that’s right, that’s almost non - existent too! You main goal is to become the best skater out of about 160. You go through these incredibly moronic missions, and gain rep. Once you get to 8, then...well...There you go?! The missions are lain out for you in the very beginning just like...hm...Tony Hawk 1-4!!!! Collect skate, high combo, sick combo, high score, secret disk, blah blah blah...Come on guys, There is nothing new with this game. Aside from that, the missions are also very challenging, and often make no sense. It is also very difficult trying to find exactly what is needed, and some missions are just plain impossible (Due to the fact that this game was over looked in testing obviously)

Now, not everything was bad about this game, there were some alright moments also. The ability to slow down time gave the game a new edge to it, allowing you to see the intricate detail that was put into the tricks. Also, the "new" levels gave it a some what of a....who am I kidding, it didn’t do anything...

Over all, this game is highly over rated, and a huge disappointment. Nothing is really new here, its all cut and paste, and some features have even been reduced! (Like the fact that there is NO background music) What happened guys? All this hype, all this money on trying to promote a new game, and in the end, you give us this? For shame guys....for shame....