It's a good and fun experience while it lasts, but after you finish it there isn't much there

User Rating: 8.3 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 PSP
This game is a really fun, but felt really short. I beat the career mode in a week and the classic isn't too much fun. As a long time fan of the series I felt alot of the gameplay changes weren't very good. First, there is now a count down timer after you land, making combos very easy, and now manualing is done using square, making combos even easier. The story is Tony Hawk wants to find the best 8 amateur skaters for a team called project 8, and the goal of the game is to get in the group. You start at rank 200 and move up by completing goals. There aren't too many areas in the game, and if you stay back and complete all the goals in an area while you're there, it gets really easy to get to rank 9 before you have a final goal that Tony Hawk sets you. One thing I liked about this game was the videophone, where you would view videos people have sent you. Most of these were videos of pros who are in your area, but some of these notified you of a sponsor you just got. Some of these also told you about competitions and challenges, which was pretty cool. Almost all of the videos are sent to you by actor Jason Lee (my name is Earl), whichI found to be a strange inclusion. Instead of just choosing a diffuculty at the beginning of the career, each challenge says what you have to do for each difficulty. For example, a challenge asks you to get a certain amount of points in a time limit. You would have to get 10,000 points for amateur, 50,000 points for Pro, and 100,000 points for sick. This system works pretty well in places, but it is either too easy or too hard. The controls don't respond very well most of the time either. When you're done with the career there is classic mode, which isn't too much fun, and there is ad-hoc multiplayer. Ther is also H.O.R.S.E on one system, which is a nice addition. I didn't get a chance to try ad-hoc because i don't know anyone else with this game. One thing which really could have made this game alot better would be online multiplayer, as once you are finished with it there really isn't anything left. All in all this is a good purchase used or if you are a fan of the series, but if you want something engaging that will keep you addicted for months this isn't the title.