Over The Years Tony Hawks Games Have Gotten Worst And Worse And This Is A MUST NOT BUY GAME ON THE PS2!!

User Rating: 4.1 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 PS2
Tony Hawks Project 8 on the ps2 is a very dissapointing game. I was so excited to get as I have every single Tony Hawks game but this one is the crappiest game of them all. The reason being is that the gameplay is slugglish like and doesn't necessarily blow you away.

The soundtrack is just poor. The songs is trash and this time you have to continuously press the 'up' button to push to gain speed and when you are in mid-air you just can't land properly as it is all over the place.

The gameplay is no way like the X-Box 360 or Playstation 3 version instead it is, well...


At the beginning of story mode your charactor looks gimpish and its torso is bigger than the legs which is strange. Their face is retarted looking and style of clothing is b*llocks.

Over all Tony Hawks Project 8 on ps2 is a mistake to purchase and you are better off getting it on a next-gen console.