Tony Hawks Project 8 Review

User Rating: 8.6 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 X360
Neversoft are back and by the title and plotline, they may seem bored. You take a not so in depthly created shredder and start out at #170 on Tony Hawks 'Project 8' List. Only the best will be chosen to represent The Hawk.

To move up the list, you must complete as usual, goals. But this year, most of the goals are different and some of them dont require talking to people. If you see a marker on the ground that says 'Wallplant' You must get a run up, jump forward off the ramp, and depending where you hit the wall, your score will be put in one of three brackets: AM, Pro or Sick. Of course, you get moved up the list faster if you do it sick, but Neversoft have actually listened and made the Sick goals EXTREMELY difficult.

The graphics are amazing and we are talking Viva Pinata amazing. There is a new mode called nail the trick, where in the air you click both analogue sticks down and the camera will zoom down to the skaters feet and using both sticks must move the skaters legs to flip the skateboard. This sound hard, but with practice is relitively simple.

A game isnt without its flaws, and the only noticable ones are glitches and framerate issues.

So Project 8. If you are a fan or veteran of Tony Games, by all means get it. If you are just into 360 or dont want a game with challenge, You should probably rent it first. A great game.