Great Game, Tons of Variety, and Lots of Fun. Followers of this series will not be disappointed.
User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground PS3
This is another solid addition to the Hawk franchise. There are a few gameplay differences that stand out from Project 8, but they seem to be for the better. First, the load times are drastically improved. This was something that was always frustrating in project 8. Second, your balance gage is different, as it comes across your whole screen. Third, you can press the R1 button to kick, making you go faster. This is really nice as well. Nail the trick is fun, pretty much the same as in the previous game. The navigation is different in this game as well, as you can choose to turn on the compass feature. You will be given an arrow to goals, and once you get within a few hundred feet, there will be a countdown to your destination. It is also nice that at any point, you can press the R3 button, and choose one of the three “styles of play” and pick that goal. So, at any point, you can jump from Career, Hardcore, and Rigger. Each type of play is unique, and I like the choice of pro skaters that get you up to speed on each type, including Aarto Saari, Mike Vallely, and of course Tony Hawk. Career is self explanatory, your goal is to skate to get noticed, make money, and make it big. Hardcore is just as it sounds, as you try to hit huge gaps, grind enormous lines, and just take it to the extreme. Rigger is the mode where you use your own creativity to make cool skate spots. It may be as simple as adding a ramp in front of a car so you can ollie it, or it may be much more complex. Overall, this game is a lot of fun, and I would definitely recommend it to fans of the series and newbies alike.