User Rating: 3 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
Ok, remember back when Tony Hawk's Pro skater first came out for PSX? It was GREAT! Gameplay and everything, then part 2 and 3 came along and the magic kept getting better and better. Then THUG came out for PS2 and it was awesome. Story and everything. Then you were sorley dissapointed by THUG 2( I know I was), then they made up for it with American wasteland and it seemed like they got their rhythm back. Then Project 8 hit the shelves for Xbox 360 and that one was even good. And when the first previews for Proving Ground came out on you were anxious to play it and waiting and waiting for it to come out. Then you finally get to buy it you get it home, you put it in your Xbox or PS3 that game is starting and you can't wait! You create your skater, you start the game and then.............Your heart dropps cause you realize you just spent 60 dollars on a game that is remarkably HORRIBLE! That's how I felt when I started playing Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, cause to be honest, the only ground they proved was the one they dropped on making this game.
The gameplay is mediocre at best, the graphics look like someone from neversoft was high as a kite while they were using Maya 7.0(Or maybe even lower). It's just awful awful awful. you get to choose your own path with is a new feture and is a good concept except but, doesn't grab your attention like it should. The Hardcore skater route basically tells you to beat up cops and security guards if your gonna be a skater and makes it seem like a funny thing. The Rigging route is a good route, but you can basically do the same thing in the other routes. Build your own skate places and...well...skate.(haha) The career mode is also good as well, it shows you basically what you need to do and what desicions you have to make to become a self-centered, a** kissing, do what everyone wants, rich pro-skater.
All in all, I beg everyone to please....PLEASE......avoid this game at all costs. And when I say costs I mean, your money. Use it on something useful like a game that was actually made to be sold.