Lots of unexplained depth.
User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground PS3
Here is another Tony Hawk game... yippie right? It's all going to be the same thing, skate, mess around, skate some more, but hidden in the game are lairs that don't begin to be explained. Like it's obvious the editors didn't walk up to their cameras while play testing this game, because they would have seen an entire camera setup and focusing interface. Or that some of the goals offer Hints in case you can't find everything your looking for, and more... Little things like this make this game a welcome addition to the series, even if it does feel a bit 'kludged" at times. The visuals, at 720P are absolutely stunning to begin with, and though some of the animations are similar to the last series, the overall flow through the appearance fresh. The levels, though reminiscent of past Games, are all intricate and well designed and the unlocking scheme works very well to introduce new areas... Though the prior TH entry had a very pretty layout, this entry takes it past it's prior versions. And as Always, the music and choices are top notch, and though I've yet to start messing with my audio settings, and picking only the tracks I'm interested in having, it is now more background to the sounds of the game, even though the entire song now plays through (no more Two Minute Snippets for me!)
Being that I have the game in my possession, I'm going back to skating, and trying to find more and more of the hidden gems... playing HawkMan, the Classic level versions (skate, combo, etc) and making a video...