Tony Hawk Project 9!
Graphically THPG is about average. The lighting is a bit too strong in most places, but when it is done right it is very good. Also the player body models and textures are all pretty good, except for the faces, they just seem kinda weird.
There are a few new elements to the Tony Hawk series. These include the addition of Nail the Manual and Nail the Grab along with the returning Nail the Trick. Especially Nail the Manual which is really awesome. These are actually really awesome and probably the best addition to the game. Overall the game feels kinda awkward and glitchy. First of all there are a lot of weird collision glitches when you come out of a trick on a quaterpipe, sometimes you just fall even though you are sure that you nailed the trick perfectly. Also the normal weird things that happen when you hit stuff is still there from Project 8 and the older games. Overall though, the challenges for the AM and PRO levels are fun and exciting, and there are some new ideas here along with the classic ones that you would expect. Some of the sick challenges are just balance games and become boring and frustrating to complete and you don't even get a real feel of accomplishment when you achieve them.
THPG is a solid game that will defiantly make die hard Tony Hawk gamers happy. Though now that there is another skating game on the block (Skate), it really doesn't feel as out of the ordinary and different as it had in the past. I think Neversoft might have to make some dramatic changes or come up with some really new ideas or the Tony Hawk series is not going to be taking off like it has in the past anytime soon.