THUG1 is still the best skating game on ps2.
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Now you slow down faster than ever while performing manuals and grinds and if you want to go faster you now have to mash the R1 button to do aggro kicks whatever the hell that means. Why is it different than just kicking off with your foot like normal??< /br>
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Nail-the-trick/grab just sucks and I hate it. It sucks having to push in both sticks to start it. It sucks that if your control sticks are worn out and stick in certain direction you will screw up alot. I cant tell if I let up off the sticks, if i changed directions at the wrong time or if there is some kinda time limit for NTT but I never hit the ground and bail, my guy is always falling out of the sky. The shoulder buttons could be used to rotate the board and the sholder buttons could also be used to initiate the NTT.< /br>
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I love playing with NTT but I rarely land a trick with it. Another thing I dont like about THPG is the scaling. It feels like if you arent skating along the lines they want you to skate your tripping over obstacles and walls and tons of other crap. Theres hardly any open spaces.< /br>
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Look if you want a good skating game go hunt down a copy of Tony Hawk Underground 1. It lets you create a skater, your board, skateparks, goals for the skateparks and make your own gaps in the skatepark. Its the best! Im so over the Tony Hawk games now. They have been totally screwing them up year after year for the last 4-5 years now? Freaking pathetic.