But it is a great game anyway with hours of fun !

User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground PS3
A always loved the Tony Hawk's series, Doing big scores, Crazy goals, and more. Now more than ten years have passed since the original game, Finally we play Proving Ground. The principal game problem is Skate. Finally Neversoft have a rival. Tony Hawk's series are more arcade, and Skate is more a simulator.
The graphics are the best like all the TH series, of course that the games have some graphical problems but it doesn't stop the fun.
The gameplay is the same. If you play the previous titles you will know fast the ollie, flip, grab, etc.
In the sound side is O.K. Great characters voice, the skate's sound, when yuo fall, everything ok. And I can't forget the soundtrack that is great.
Value, so it isn't too expensive, so you can buy it without worryig too much.
Overall, who expected a great game that would defeat Skate, you will be deceptioned but you can play it a lot and have hours of fun