I guess I proved it!

User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground PS2
The game is really good but I hate one thing …. I like hardcore style, I like career style but I hate the rigger style! I finished career and hardcore but I can’t finish rigger! Like if you have any tips please tell! The game is good with the tricks (especially NTT and NTG) and the rewards like clothes! And the thing I found out is that I’m best in hardcore skating that the others! Plus the rigger thing needs imagination! I finished most of it but it is hard for me to do the others and don’t worry about my problem, the game is good in all ways except for this rigger problem (only for me) and the game is like a combo of THAW, Project 8, THDJ, THUG (all) and THPS (all) like it’s a combo of the best in everything! I hope you buy the game and if you want any tips just message me! :D