A bit let down.

User Rating: 5.5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
i think the problem here in this series is that they are running out of ideas, and making it a tad to fake. don't get me wrong there are good parts about this game but i like to make my last couple of points the goods so bare with me here. i remember playing the first tony hawk and it was revolutionary. and in order to jump tall buildings you would have to type in the gravity cheats. it seems with proving grounds that the gravity cheat is always in. right off the bat i was doing double back flips off a stair set that was like 50 stairs. im thinking if a skater could do that would he really be needing to prove himself? the graphics to me were a bit of a let down. im running the hdmi cable, 50 inch high def tv, i shouldn't be let down with graphics. this tv makes loony toons look real for goodness sake. i got a lot of hype with this game and within the first 5 seconds i was disappointed with the graphics. but i was a good gamer and was able to get past that fact. (my last negative before i run off some goods.) i know that this isn't a simulation game, but cant we add a little bit of realism? im just sad that anything you can think of you can do. i pulled a quad back flip in a half pipe. yea enough said with that...
ok lets get to some goods because i did like some things about this game. the fact that there is 3 story lines is cool. granted on e inst to much of a story line and more of a lets punch people in the face.... but its still nice to have options. another thing that i liked is actually from a past game but they brought it back and revamped it a little bit. the nail a trick. you can now enter in at any time and control your flip tricks as well as your grabs. big thumbs up i like that feature. and lastly and by far the coolest is you can build rails and ramps any where in the game now. a parked car on the side of the street? lets add a kicker to the hood and session on it. now if tony hawk can make another game with the physics engine of thps1 with the new features of thpg then he would have me hooked.
bottom line, disappointed with the way this series is headed. this game is lame but fun if your in a superhero flying mood. but also does have some revolutionary things like the fact that you can build anywhere now.