O MY!..........................THIS GAME WAS A BIG WASTE OF 40 HARD EARNED BUCKS

User Rating: 2 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground PS2
Man it all started when i saw the commercial and i was like man i gotta buy this. So i went to gamestop and bought it for 40 dollars (A BIG WASTE). The graphics remind me of when i was playin thps 2 way back when. The challenges get old really quick.No online. I think Hawk should of kept this on hold longer spendin much more time makin it worth the money, but he didnt so this game is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. If your lookin for a good skating game for the ps2 stick to American Wasteland now that was worth my money. This dynasty is over. Thps was AWESOME back when the first 4 came out but now its def. goin totllay downhill. Thats all i gotta say about this weak game. DO NOT BUY THIS!!!!!!!!!