Tony Hawks Proving Grounds is an aweful lot lot the prequel but I thought it was better nonetheless. There is nothing you can do but play the career mode which makes the game have very little variety and I didn't see a create a park option either which really pissed me off and bored me after I beat the game in a relatively short time. Since there is nothing else but career, I don't even have to say I'm talking about career, but you start off creating your skater in rather limited options. After you are done making a bland character, your off to start skating the streets of Philidelphia, you have the choice to be a Ringer, Hardcore, or Career skater(I did them all since the game is pretty short and you actually have to do them all anyway). The street challenges are back and the level "lines" which some are challenging but most of them are rather easy to get SICK rating on. The graphics in THPG are pretty good, the environment is not very creative and the skaters do look offmodel and even your skater has a blockhead and doesn't look great at all, but or else everything else is pretty good. You also will learn how to do NAIL THE TRICK which really ruins the challenge of the game but it allows you to be creative and do whatever trick you want and get major points from it, you can also get big air which helps reach hard-to-reach places and to get SICK on street challenges. The sound and soundtrack is probably the best feature on the game, the soundtrack is probably my favorite of all the THPS/THUG games and the sound effects are fairly decent. I would strongly recommend to rent THPG before you buy it, I personally wouldn't buy it unless it was like $10-15. Overall, the Tony Hawks franchise really needs to take a step up, the last 3 games are not very great and are repetitive and had no variety what so ever, as a Tony Hawk fan, I am very disappointed in the last few games, I would even rather buy American Wasteland which is a few years back than buy the latest 3 games. THPG isn't too bad but you will certainly play better.
Other Helpful Reviews for Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground takes everything you know about the skating series, and does it all over again. Like most pervious games, it slightly improves on the last, but it’s so short you’ll hardly even notice. Skat... Read Full Review
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground is so fun and well-made. The graphics are amazing for a PS2 game, and it's not choppy at all. The gameplay is fun and frustrating at times, but once you learn what to do it becomes easier. Crea... Read Full Review