I was wrong its not such a bad game.

User Rating: 5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground WII
Gameplay: 4.5
Graphics: 7.5
Difficulty (1: easy- 10: hard): 8.0
Sound: 4.5
Story: 5.0
Overall: 5.0
I didnt buy this game, I got it for christmas with Rayman RR. I thougth "Wow a Wii Tony Hawks game, cool!", Im not really a fan of Tony Hawk Games but
I have THP8 for Xbox and is better than this game. Graphically, this game is very good, but I never care about graphics on games, I just care about gameplay and storyline. The Storyline is actually good because you can make your own skater but gameplay, well not really. The parts like the Nail the Trick mode are very hard because it doesnt really recognize your movement, it doesnt use the Wii feature correctly, you just move the Wiimote a little bit and it says you shaked it. Any part of the game that need using the Wiimote is hard.
Id rather getting the DS version. You do better rent it before wasting money in this game.