Tony Hawks Ride is looking even worse.

User Rating: 5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
The thing about THPG is that it is just too dull the city looks the same all the way through wich is a major blow. And dont get me started about the challenges they are too unrealistic for my likeing. I dont mind games being unrealistic sometimes but this game was taking the biscuit. Not really anything left to say because there is no point on carrying on with this review because everyone will now be looking forward to ride wich looks alot worse.
Take it from me adviod Tony Hawk like the plauge because its getting a whole alot worse unlike skate. At first liked this game because it was a breath of fresh air from skate. But a while later i played skate again and i thought skate was a whole lot better

The Good

1. Nail The Manual

The Bad

1.City is too dull and looks the same

2.Very Unrealistic

3.Gets really boring

4.Bad Storyline

5.Lots of glitches

6.Recent game was better