THPG is a good solid game its great but not as good as project 8 although the story is short the core game is still good
i was dissapointed in the game a bit because it didnt have bowl skating and nail the manual it also didnt have video editing which i was really looking froward to and also the graphics are great and the places where you skate are big and awesome i love this game and even though it has some cons it is still s very good solid game to play it doesnt offer you much new than previous TH games but it does offer you great graphics and the new mechanic nail the grab i thought nail the grab was awesome and i will soon get a 360 and try nail the manual and im sure the game will be much better on the 360 then on ps2 but for now ill just have to keep playing and hope for a miracle lol allin all this game is about worth 30 bucks and i got it for 12 bucks so it was a good deal!!!