It may be a Tony Hawk game, but this game is just not worth playing.
First I will start with the good parts of the game. Nail The Trick and Nail The Grab is a very innovative way to do tricks. To do this you must get some air and push the L3 and R3 buttons in at the same time. Then you go into a slow motion where you can preform various grabs and tricks to get lots of points. This was a very nice feature. The other good part was that you could choose your path as a skater. You could walk in the steps of a rigger, career skater, hardcore, skater or just a mix of them all. A rigger is someone who uses the world around them to make there own park. Basically once you are introduced to setting out peices you can pretty much place a grind rail or jump anywhere you want. In the career skater path you try to get into as many competions as possible and make videos of you doing awesome tricks. As a hardcore skater all you wanna do is skate. There is not much more to it. There is also one other good thing. There is lots of clothes to customize your character with.
Now for the bad. The difficulty in this game is insane! It is almost impossible to beat a challenge on any difficulty level except amateur(which is the easiest). I had a really tough time trying to beat challenges with something other than amateur. The length of this game is also extremely short. I beat this game in 2 and a half hours! I know this because on your save it says how long you have played for. I mean if your going to make a short game at least make it some what fun! This video editing feature I heard about? It is not even on the Ps2 version! This was something I was pretty excited about too. And my last bad thing about this game is that the series is really getting old. After about Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 I started to get bored of the series. Seriously Tony don't you think it's time for you to stop making these games?
Overall Tony Hawk's Proving Ground is not the most satisfying game but it still has a few good points. Without those good points this game would have got an even lower score. So this is why Tony Hawk gets a disapointing 5.5.