When I got Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, I was excited about playing it, thinking it would be another excellent Tony Hawk game. However, once I popped it into the Wii and started playing, I realized that this is probably the most lackluster Tony Hawk game ever made. I set out on the Career path, and was done with the game in maybe three hours. All the goals in the game are unbelievably dumb, and this game has the worst voice-acting ever. The controls are so unresponsive they're ridiculously frustrating: sometimes when you're doing a manual and you flick the remote left to change tricks, the game registers it, but nothing actually happens. Sometimes the game doesn't register at all, regardless of the fact that you made a very large and clear motion. Nail-the-Trick is still fun and Nail-the-Grab is interesting, but not enough to keep you into the game. Bottom line, if the game was longer, with better voice acting, controls (they made the Classic Controller for a reason), better goals, and a seamless world like in the previous two Tony Hawk games, this would have been much better.
Other Helpful Reviews for Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
really fun game, i love it. the grapics are awesome for the Wii. there is so much small detail that u really noctic. the game is pretty easy to work after u play it for an hour. iv played form 2 hours for 3 days stairt a... Read Full Review
(+) there's multiplayer, though probably nobody will want to play with you (-) Wii remote controls are a mess; nail-a-trick mode is riddled with unresponsive Wii waggle; no other single player modes other than the dre... Read Full Review