This is BY FAR the best Tony Hawk game yet!

User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
So, this is the 9th Tony Hawk game so far. But it is by far the 1st on my list of the best! Tony Hawks proving ground has you making your skater how ever you want. You can be a Career, Hardcore, or Rigger skater. Let me go into closer detail to try to convince you that this game is worth the purchase.

Story: 9/10 The story in this game has many different "branches" I suppose you could call it. You can choose either one of the 3 stories (Career, Hardcore, Rigger) and then in each story there is another 3 mini-stories. For example, if you choose career then you are trying to get fame and fortune, and then you can do that by choosing to skate with Stevie Williams and take Pics. So all in all, the variety of this story is very well done and is only bested by Tony Hawks Underground in my opinon.

Gameplay: 8.5/10 The gameplay in this game is standard tonyhawk. X+ control stick in any direction is flips. Y is grinds, b+ control stick in any direction is grabs and so on. There are some new things that are added to the formula though like Nail the Manual and Grab, aggro kick, aggro push and many more. So it doesn't really leave the average Tony Hawk formula which is great, but it adds in new features to keep you interested.

Graphics: 10/10 I was actually amazed when I started up the game, went into create a skater and looked at my character! Everything about this game looks real. From the pants on your skater to the enviornment around you. One thing that really blew me away was that if you are wearing a hoodie or something, your hood will actually move with the wind or when you turn your body! Its just little things like these that add to the overall graphical score.

Replay Value: 9.5/10 There are lots of things to do in this game. There are SO many challenges and games to play that this game could last you as long as 50 hours just doing goals if you try to get sick on every goal. Also, just skating around town and trying to get some awsome videos and pictures will really last you a while.

So, in conclusion. Tony Hawks Proving Ground is the BEST Tony Hawk game I have ever played. It is enjoyable and it is everything I ever wanted in a skateboarding game. In a Buy or Rent situation I'd say buy, you will have lots of fun with this game!