Depends What You like...

User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground DS
Tony Hwks Proving Ground (THPG) For the ds is a good game And I think it underestimated

The Good:
Very Fun
Good unlockables
Really cool real tricks (I Think?)
Great soundtrack

The Bad:
Graphics too pixelated
Same as old tony hawk games (kind of)
No download play! (you may not like it but i do)

i also liked the way you could unlock pro skaters videoes and watch them
(i think you can do that in some other tony hawk games but im not sure)
i liked the skate lounge and the skatepark creator was very fun
(you can create your skatepark in other tony hawks but this is the first for the ds)
and recording your own voice when you fall and using the touch screen was a nice touch too