It's not Skate, in fact I'm quite ashamed to say that I kinda liked it...
User Rating: 5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
This game was fun, don't get me wrong, but... well it didn't give me the satisfaction in Project 8 that I was looking for. Not only did insult my intelligence in game knowledge, but the fact of the career choices between: Hard Core, Career, and Rigger just seemed very odd. It was my subconscious that made everything seem easier than usual; I was replaying a mixture of THAW, and Project 8. The game makes you do tedious quests for, my fav. Element sk8r, Mike Vallely, my 2nd fav. Flip sk8r, Arto Saari, and some guy named ... something King, idc... Well anyway, once done murking for them, you report, to what I feel as the biggest sellouts in sk8 history, yes I mean Tony Hawk. What will he let you know? Well first off, he gives directions as if you just turned five and while in NTT(Nail the Trick), now if you're not familiar to Nail the Trick, it's in slow motion and it's very sensitive to you're Joy Sticks. Aye, once he tortures you about tht, he gives you the option to break your tele from anger. Cameras are made in this game so when you're in a trick or landing a trick all you have to do is click the Right Thumb Stick, easy aye? Wrong, they make ye do tht **** while in Nail the Trick mode, if they meant to make it hard, they did a good job, if not... christ I hope they were high on something to not notice the difficultly on this... Once ye're done with tht he sends you off into the world. After which it's like every THPS game, except... well excpet the announce in you and the way you handle things. Apparently you're totally hard core one way or another and have to show up EVERYONE. But, what is justice without crime? Well certainly it's boring, b/c you get to learn Skate check, Arggo Kick, and Bowl Riding. Wow! It's almost like they picked it right out of a Cereal Box! That was hardcore, maybe you could tell, Career has kinda gay things that you already know... Like, Nail the Trick, didn't see that one coming, then Nail the Grab and/or Manual. As fun and creative as tht sounds, it's not, it isn't, and it won't be. Nail the grab has faulty functions tht continue to happen to me and my friend with Grab Transfer, and Nail the Manual is just the cheapest way to show you how manuals work... Well than there's Rigger mode... honestly, it's just move **** around. Yeah... that's new... Seeing's how create a park is gone, you can create any Park, any where. Whoot!... Right? Nope... sorry... Well you and move 'your' objects tht 'you' produce, but not anything thts just lying around for the taking... The quests don't make much sense except maybe lance Mountain's and Stevie Williams'. I'm pretty pleased with the new clothing though, I mean who isn't. And you can have your own chill pad to sk8 any time! Yeah, that's awesome. It's be cooler if I could use the items... I can't... well... But I can the TV on... I can't do tht either? Hmm... I'd recommend this game to hard core THPS player's for some multi player fun in the sun. The Game is more the lines of how THAW was to THUG2 as this is to Project 8. Good for a Christmas gift, bad for a birthday gift of course tho...