Pretty sweet.....

User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground DS
If a Console game isn't that great, put it on the 'DS. Tony Hawk is at its 9th game, proving ground. Almost a decade now. Tony Hawks Proving Ground (PG) isn't that great at all if u played the console version compared to its first competetor, Skate. This game can b very compare to the game American Sk8land on the 'DS. The game takes place in Philly. A mostly dark and rainy place in the East. The whole world is full of places to skate and lots a great gaps. PG also trys the Nail the trick this but it doesn't work that well but still makes use of the touch screen capabilitys. One of the more greater things about this game is the customizable things have been expanded. Now you can make ur own pants and shirts. Though hard 2 do, great when it comes out just right. Now that they have better online capabilities it just makes the game so much greater.

BOTTOM LINE: Overall this game is really great and the best in the systems for PG. Get this game because of itself and the price of $20.00