User Rating: 6 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
I only started playing TH games round the time of underground 2 when the series started going down. THUG 2 is one of my favourite games now so i decided to ignore the review of THPG and give it a go.

That'll teach me. What i played was a complete mess. I couldnt finish objective cause i didn't know what to, the graphic where bad, the gameplay lame and even the strange carm THUG had was nowhere to be seen.

So there must be some good thing about it right? Well yes there are. Despite an outdated charater customation THPG benifits from the ability to customize your own patch called a "proving ground" replacing the create a park option seen in earlyer entrys to the series. This is mildly amusing but with games like Little big planet it is in no way worth buying it solely for the customation

Play it more i told myself, itll get better. It didnt. This is an average game you will gain nothing from playing. Now if you dont mind i will stop this review and go and play skate.