tony hawk proving ground: needs a redone
User Rating: 7 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground PS2
ok i have like the tony hawk series since pro skater came out but every year each game get unrealstic and this game is really unrealstc. This game does show that Neversoft did more work on Guitar Hero 3 than Tony Hawk and they think that they can be like Madden and not add anything new to the game. For one thing, in American Wasteland...there was free roaming but last two games there has not been free roaming. I know this is The PS2 verison, but PS2's are still being bought so you need to improve the game. One other thing is that the soundtrack needs some work. Yeah there are some good songs like Angels and Airwaves and Rolling Stones but none of the songs aren't really that good (At least Actvision gets more lincise rights to bands and rappers like Killers and JayZ) Altogether, this is a ok game but it needs to be more realstic (aka SKATE) and needs to be TOUGHER!!!!!!!