Tony Hawk - He's back again with yet ANOTHER skateboarding game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
First things first, hmm.
Well, I know. The Graphics.
There not very good, especially how this is about the 9-13th Tony Hawk game so far. You'd of thought they could be better, but not too bad I guess.

Graphics: 7.5/10

Next up: gameplay! It's pretty addicting due to how easy it is to get a huge combo! Its the normal controlls (press Y (xbox360) button to Grind etc, same for tricks and so on...) but it isnt too bad I guess. And the online gameplay too, could be better but its pretty good I guess ;)

Gameplay: 8.5/10

The music in the background is mainly Rock music. This, isnt very good, because... IT GIVES YOU A HEADACHE! This is a huge let down. The music is all pretty loud and punk/rocky sort'a so you ALWAYS have to turn the volume to near 0 so that you can give your head a rest :s
But the sound of tricks, grinding and stuff is ok I guess.

Sound: 5/10

So, thats pretty much it.
I would only really suggest buying it if you are a good fan of the Tony Hawk Series.

So, thats...
Gameplay: 8.5/10
Gameplay: 8.5/10
Sound: 5/10

There you are. Hope I helped.