story mode too short.

User Rating: 8.2 | Tony Hawk's Underground 2 PS2
I am a huge fan of the tony hawk series, and this game is probably my favorite of them next to thps 3. i had a few problems with thug 2 though. the first one is that the story mode is way too short. you can finish the 5 levels in one sitting. and if you're patient enough you can finish the classic mode in the same day as the story mode. i wish it was a bit longer and i wish that there were more newer levels to play. i also liked how all the other tony hawks had a 1 new skatepark level. in this one though i had to settle for the older one from philadelphia. the multiplayer in this game is very fun and addictive. i wish there was voice chat though. the only other problem i had with the multiplayer is that every time a new person joins the room the game freezes for a little bit. it gets really annoying, but its not too serious. all in all this is a great game. if you want this game you should rent it first because of how short it is but if other than that it is one of the best tony hawks out.