**** beyond ****

User Rating: 3.4 | Tony Hawk's Underground 2 PS2
tony hawk how can i explain this it is the **** tony hawk game i have ever played in my whole inteir life.this game is so bad that i could right now take acrap on it antd throw it across the room.the bad mistake buying it.waste of money$$$$$$$$ and time.graphics are pathtic, i could throw up on them.the game is to short.I beat it in two hours.ithe game is really boring.tony hawk underground 1 was alot better.
the tony hawk games should be like they use to be,like tony hawk1,2 and three.realize how the ratings go down.tony hawk one was like 9.6,two9.9,three 10and four 9.6.now tony hawk under ground1 8.8,underground two8.3.waste land7.5.huge differentece.*
the gamplay is the same ever time but i still gave that a good rating.not to much new moves.mulity player is the same from under ground1.
ovrall i could take a shit on tony hawk underground2.tell u one thing waste of fiffty buks$$$$$$$$$$.shit