Another classic from the mostly reliable series.

User Rating: 8.8 | Tony Hawk's Underground PS2
What else can the THPS series do that hasn't already been done before? Not much it seems as THPS4 pretty much was the most realistic and fun extreme sports video game. But THUG may not have little new to say but it's still a fantastic game and just as good as it's predessecors. New to the gameplay is the ability to get off your board and wander round your enviroments. This actually works well and can even be used in combos. You can also drive vehicles in certain levels of the game but this doesnt work as well and sees the game trying to go GTA style - isnt every game? But nevertheless the game is still action packed and insane fun is to be found. There's the same old punk and rap soundtrack and the graphics are mostly impressive. The games length is long but not as long as THPS4 which took months to complete, THUG will take you at least two weeks on first play through. Overall though, THUG is another must have game that has addictive gameplay that'll keep you entertained for ages.